Sunday, May 22, 2011

Experiments with Life

My imperfections and failures are as much a blessing from God as my success and my talents. I lay them both at HIS feet."  - Mahatma Gandhi

Suddenly there is so much I want to do. So much I want to learn. So much I want to explore. I feel like I have entered the world as an infant and have been given a chance to live my life again, with resources at my disposal to use wisely. Learning at this age comes to a halt in general, with me it feels it has started again. And this time, its about what I want to learn, and not what others think is right for me to learn.

Learning that comes with a conscience and with a purpose is true learning. This is what I share with my students too. Go back to previous books and learn what you couldn't back then. Mathematical formulas, statistical tools and their applications in real world, scientific theories, historical facts everything has suddenly started making more sense to me than it ever did. Reading about people, gaining an insight to the most tumultuous of minds through which the world was shaped.

Sports was never my forte. But now, I have started enjoying Table tennis. It keeps you alert, in shape, sweating and always on your toes. Once my opponent or should I say my tutor and I were playing a match and it suddenly occurred to me, that apart from physical exercise, the game also teaches a lot more. Just like every other game, it demands concentration, but at the same time, it asks you to be cautious while applying force. Too much of it and you are out of the game. Little is just not enough for the ball to go on and the ball stops moving. Isn't it the same with relationships too ?

Swimming is relaxing, keeps me flexible, and fresh. I remember, the first day at the pool and the instructor screamed at me to jump in the pool and I did. Scary though it was, it taught me to fight against the water to survive and not give up. Of course I knew, I wouldn't drown in the pool with a depth of 4 feet. Peddling against the waters, I had this thought that its hard work and determination which keeps you going. These days, every little thing that I do, I can relate it with life. I am experimenting with life. Needless to say, the effects of chlorine on my hair and skin colour taught me nothing comes without a price.

I was never the adventurous types. Para Gliding cured me. Flying high in the sky I could see birds and tree tops. The mountains smiled and the sun peeked from behind welcome me into their world and I couldn't help but smile and feel glad at the decision of not chickening out at the last moment. But apart from the exhilaration and the rush of air in my lungs, it taught me that life is indeed beautiful and breathtakingly lovely, if only you change the way you see it. It's all about perception.

At times I am scared of the path that I have chosen, because it leads me alone to unknown places, to unknown people and reminds me how truly alone I am in this quest to find myself. But the only consolation is that at the end of each day, I emerge a better person. And I am darned proud of it.

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