Saturday, February 16, 2013

Moving with time

"Youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty. Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old"

You do not age when your skin shrinks back and you have fine wrinkles on your face.
You age when you feel you have grown old.

This is for all those young ones who are now growing up faster than ever before. Look at the speed at which your life is moving. Time flies by and suddenly you realize you are out of school/ college and into the big bad world. If you ask me, I'd say run!

Run back to those times when life was fun. When life was all about love, laughter, wild parties, friends, fights, make ups and break ups. Not saying that you shirk away from responsibilities, just saying make sure you have enough memories pinned down so that 10 years down, when you look back, you see people around you, people who really cared. Trust me on this, nobody wants a decade long time gone by without a single happy memory to cherish.

The essence is to live life, not just let it pass by. A few years later when you are busy figuring out what went wrong and why is everyone around you suddenly a stranger, you will be left with no choice but to go back in time and realize, damn - i really deserve this.

When people you thought of as friends do not invite you to their weddings, when you have no one to call and catch up on a cup of coffee, when your achievements are not backed up with a pat on the back by a friend who had seen you go down a million times, and most horribly, when the contact list on your mobile phone and the numbers of friends you have on Facebook turn into just numbers and they mean nothing, that's when you know your time is up.

Moving with time is what you need. If you find yourself like this, down in that deep black hole, with no problem on the superficial but a tangled, gobble wobbly mess in the inside here is what you need to do

Play a loud track
Clean up your closet and living space
Bake a cake
Chat with a random stranger, maybe on a yahoo Chatroom (that's what I do)
Dress up to Flirt
Go out with someone - Any one - Cousin, Parents, People from work,  Dog
Buy expensive cosmetics (A must do for girls)
Post party pictures on Facebook (even if the evening wasn't that great)
Fool yourself into believing that this is good!

The point is to only bring back a tinge of social color in your life. Isolation is not the answer. The company is.
Find some company and never be alone. Do not make best friends, but friends who might not know all about you,  but enough to accompany you when you ask them out.

Life is too good to be wasted. Make plans, fail on them, make them again, laugh at your mistakes, prepare a time line for yourself, dream big, come up with a wish list of exotic places that you really wanna see. Do something! You'll feel great.

~ Greeshma